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Can you visit Patagonia in the Autumn?

Our Chile expert sinead, and her love of the Chilean Autumn

A lot of our guests ask us, when is the best time to visit Chile? Most holidays to Chile are planned for the peak travel months of December – February. This time of year lends itself to near perfect conditions for all the main areas of interest; the capital Santiago, the wine region, trekking in Patagonia, the Lake district and The Atacama Desert. But by venturing into Autumn travel (April/May), you can experience better prices (some of the top 5* hotels offer some incredible prices), less tourists, vivid green vegetation, and still enjoy really lovely walking conditions. Our Chile expert Sinead gives us her view on why you should 100% travel to Chile in April…

Sunshine and blue skies enjoyed in Autumn in Patagonia,Chile

Typically people think the best time to visit Chile, and in particular Patagonia, is between December and February. Granted these are amazing months to travel here as the days are longer and the temperatures warmer, but it’s also when you have the highest winds of the year which can be so strong you can’t walk in them or on some days even hear each other speak. Which, if you’re into hiking and trekking holidays, this isn’t ideal. Peak travel months in Patagonia and in particular Torres Del Paine also get extremely busy; the main hikes – The French valley and the Base of The Towers can have up to 1200 people attempting the famous routes every day. This can lead to trails being heavily congested, walks are slow going and not necessarily at the speed of your choice, and queues for pictures at beauty spots can be frustrating.

The incredible vivid colours of Autumn in Patagonia

In our opinion the Autumn (April/May) is great. Temperatures don’t change hugely from peak summer months, the stronger winds drop, and the colours on the trees have changed so you will be able to see breathtaking reds and oranges of the Autumnal leaves throughout the park. You will get a little less daylight during these months compared to peak summer months (December – February) but with your holiday planned correctly and with our expert guides, this isn’t a problem and wont affect any trekking days. Give Autumn in Patagonia a try, and you will be rewarded with:

  • Far fewer tourists in the National Park, meaning trekking routes are quieter and viewpoints more serene. Some days you may not see another group all day
  • The vegetation and scenery has changed; rich reds and oranges of the leaves on the turn will be spellbinding. Take a good camera!
  • Prices. You can get a bargain at some of the top 5*hotels and luxury Eco lodges. Not only will they be less busy so you can enjoy a massage or a cold glass of wine in peace after a trek day, the money saved can be put towards room upgrades, half board add-ons, private guides and vehicles if you were originally budgeting for small group treks…or try something truly different and book a Puma Photography Safari.

Scenes in Patagonia that almost don't look real

Sinead was also incredibly lucky to see a Puma in Torres Del Paine during April, on a rare and chance sighting! While this obviously cant be guaranteed, the fewer tourists and peaceful condition’s of Autumn can put you in a strong position to see these amazing but shy creatures.


So when you start planning your holiday and are questioning the best time to visit Chile, consider this. Yes, we absolutely recommend to our guests if your dates allow, book a holiday to Chile in Autumn. The trade offs are minimal, and the rewards are plenty. We can design a bespoke luxury adventure holiday to Chile, including trekking in Patagonia against the backdrop of the Autumn colours. Contact us today and we will work on your tailor-made Eco Adventure to Patagonia, Chile.

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